

Step 2 – Pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR)

After Health Canada’s approval, in order for an oncology drug to be accessible to patients through the public drug plans (except Quebec, it must go through a review for reimbursement called pCODR.

pCODR reviews all oncology medications for clinical- and cost-effectiveness and makes recommendations to the provinces as to whether or not they should be publicly-funded, but each province ultimately decides. For more information about pCODR, see: http://www.pcodr.ca/portal/server.pt/community/home_page/548

In Quebec, I’NESSS reviews all oncology medications and makes a recommendation to the Health Minister for funding. See: http://www.inesss.qc.ca/

Step 3 – Pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (pCPA)

Kidney Cancer Canada