Click on images to view online or download

Kidney Cancer Canada brochure

Kidney Cancer Basics – introduction and dictionary

50-page tear pad “Understanding your Kidney Cancer”

Learn about genetic testing for kidney cancer

Kidney Cancer Video Knowledge Library information card

Systemic therapy guide “peel & stick” poster

Kidney Cancer Canada poster

Exercise guide for kidney cancer survivors

Top Ten Tips for kidney cancer survivors

Diet & Nutrition guide for patients and their families

Seasonal recipe booklets

Dietitian-approved and kidney-friendly recipes

An overview of early stage kidney cancer

Decision aid for patients with small renal masses

Decision aid for patients with small renal masses

Decision aid for patients considering surgery

Decision Aid for patients considering adjuvant therapy

Clinical Trials Basics

Discusson guide about systemic therapy

Discusson guide about treatment options and sequencing

Decision Aid for patients with metastatic kidney cancer

Understanding your immuno-oncology therapy