

Newly Diagnosed?

Welcome to Kidney Cancer Canada – Cancer du rein Canada — a patient-led organization with the mission to support all Canadians touched by kidney cancer.


We know when you hear “you have kidney cancer”, it can overwhelm you so, we are glad you found us and we are honoured to help you.
If you need us at any time, please reach out by phone, email or social media – any way you feel comfortable.


Remember, you are not alone.


Let’s take your first steps togethera few tips we know will help you

  • First, we recommend you know whether your kidney cancer is localized, or metastatic. If you don’t know, ask your doctor. Knowing your histology helps you find the right information.
  • If you have localized disease, we suggest you focus on information in that area.
  • Pace yourself. Take in as much or as little information as you feel comfortable to digest.
  • Ask a family member or friend for help. A second set of eyes and ears really helps navigate the many decisions you make.

Join our community – it’s free and a great way to get informed.

  • Find information on the latest developments in treatment options
  • Learn about upcoming Kidney Cancer Canada events in your area and online
  • Get invites to educational webinars
  • Access leading kidney cancer experts
Join our community

Connectwith people like yourself.

  • Join our Canadian Peer Support Facebook Group
  • Join our online monthly Coffee-Chats for patients and caregivers

TalkChatting with someone who’s been where you are today can really help.

Our  volunteers, kidney cancer survivors and caregivers, offer understanding and practical help to you through your care pathways. If you would like to speak with someone in person, call us toll free at 1-866-598-7166.


A guide to kidney cancer, an online resource for patients and families, has valuable information. You will also find patients & caregivers video messages and stories as well as resources to help you begin your journey.

Free resources at the tip of your fingers

Check out our websiteit’s full of information and changes all the time

Click on the headings at the top of our site to see a full list of what’s on our site. You will find lots of information including the latest news, calendar of events, and clinical trials.

Be sure to access our Kidney Cancer Video Knowledge Library – answers to your questions by leading kidney cancer experts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Go to the Kidney Cancer Video Knowledge Library
Kidney Cancer Canada