One of the most effective ways to start advocating to provincial governments for access to drugs for kidney cancer is by writing a letter, specifically to your provincial representative.
The following will take you through the steps of letter writing:
- Focus on one specific issue and one clear question that you want an answer to in your letter.
- Address the letter to your provincial Minister of Health. Find your elected representative on this link.
- Take a moment to personalize the letter. In between paragraphs 2 and 3, write briefly about how you have been affected by kidney cancer (as a patient, family member, friend) and what impact medications have had or could have on your situation.
- Remember to send a copy to you local MPP or MLA. If you need help finding his or her contact information use the list above or e-mail us.
- It is preferable if you can e-mail your letter as an attachment, but many people chose to both e-mail and post their letter – it’s your choice.
- If you are comfortable, please send us a copy of your letter – it will help us to know what individuals are doing across the country.
- Please let us know if you receive a reply, even if it seems like a form letter. We’ll use those replies in future discussions with decision-makers across the country.
- Remember, Kidney Cancer Canada is available to help you along the way. If you have questions about writing your letter, contact us.