Thousands expected to view record breaking meeting now online
Hundreds of patients and caregivers packed the Kidney Cancer Canada – Cancer du rein Canada 2019 National Patient and Caregiver Conference in Vancouver to learn how to live, survive and cure the disease.
Participants discovered details on new drugs, therapies, how they improve their quality of life and survival.
SURVIVE IT: Patient Survivorship Advice
Patient stories and advice on how to handle care pathways and survivorship.
Moderator: Hélène Veilleux, survivor and Board Member
Survivor panelists: Nancy Barnes, Gord Evanoff and Christine Collins
CURE IT: Kidney Cancer Research
Kidney cancer research within Canada.
Moderator: Mona Sabharwal, Board Member
Panelists: Jack Bacon, PhD Student – Dr. Shaan Dudani, Oncology fellow and Dr. Lucia Nappi, Oncology fellow
LIVE IT: Latest Developments and Standard of Care
Latest developments in kidney cancer therapies, including targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical treatment.
Moderator: Dr. Joanna Vergidis, Medical Oncologist
Panelists: William Chu, Radiation Oncologist – Dr. Christian Kollmannsberger, Medical Oncologist – Dr. Anil Kapoor, Uro-Oncologist
CURE IT: Advocacy
How to advocate as patients or caregivers through your own care pathway; how Kidney Cancer Canada advocates.
Stephen Andrew, survivor and Executive Director
LIVE IT: The Myths and Realities of Kidney Cancer
Exploration of public available statements that do not align with current guidelines; alternative and complimentary therapies.
Moderator: Dr. Christian Kollmannsberger, Medical Oncologist
Panelists: Dr. Peter Black, Uro-Oncologist – Dr. Krista Noonan, Medical Oncologist – Dr. Joanna Vergidis, Medical Oncologist
LIVE IT: Choice of therapy
Thought process by clinicians/oncologists; criteria.
Moderator: Dr. Krista Noonan, Medical Oncologist
Panelists: Dr. William Chu, Radiation Oncologist – Dr. Peter Black, Uro-Oncologist – Dr. Joanna Vergidis, Medical Oncologist
SURVIVE IT: Lifestyle
Change of Lifetstyle, mental health and pain management; genetic recruitment and access.
Moderator: Dr. Anil Kapoor, Uro-Oncolgist
Panelists: Nesan Bandali, Clinical Trials Nurse – Melanie Care, Genetic Counsellor
SURVIVE IT: Caregiver Survivorship Advice
Caregiver stories and advice o how to handle care pathways and survivorship.
Moderator: Stephen Andrew, survivor and Executive Director
Caregiver panelists: Dot Muir, Russell Barnes and Cathy Evanoff
The first line of treatment in Canada for all metastatic (advanced disease) kidney cancer patients, for more than 10 years, used to be target therapy with a one to two percent chance of complete response (“cure”). The standard of care today is a combination immunotherapy with a 10 to 15 percent chance of a patient reaching status of ‘no evidence of disease’.
“When you here the phrase ‘You have kidney cancer’ you crave information, education, support and pray you will be cured” says Stephen Andrew, Executive Director of Kidney Cancer Canada – Cancer du rein Canada and kidney cancer survivor.
“We need to talk so that patients know more about kidney cancer and all the options available to them. The impact of leading doctors, nurses and researchers together with patients and caregivers who share their experience in theses conferences, helps fill these needs.”
People from across Canada and countries such as South Korea joined the Vancouver meeting, livestreamed to an international audience, and set a record attendance for a Canadian kidney cancer conference.