In the early fall of 2006 I was tiring easily and losing weight. I was sent for a colonoscopy and a gastro copy because both my mom and aunt had died from this type of cancer. When the results proved to be negative, a CT scan was done. The results showed a tumor on my right kidney. In January 2007 the right kidney and a large tumor were removed. The type of kidney cancer was determined to be renal cell carcinoma (clear cell).
In April 2007 another CT scan revealed several enlarged areas in the lymph nodes around the heart and lungs. I was given 50 mg of Sutent, 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. After the second cycle the dose was reduced to 37.5 mg to try to diminish the intensity of the side effects. In February 2008 the results of the CT scan showed no visible evidence of disease (N.E.D.)and the dosage was reduced to 25 mg. In February 2009 I have had one year with no evidence of disease and continue Sutent at 25 mg.
I like to stay as active as possible, both physically and mentally, and am now volunteering for Kidney Cancer Canada to help others find relevant information and provide support to cancer patients and their families and friends. I first discovered Kidney Cancer Canada while surfing the Internet for any information about renal cell carcinoma and want to make it easier for other people to access information without the lengthy search that I experienced.